3 Ways To Master Your About Page

3 Ways To Master Your About Page

So, you're putting together a website and thinking about completely blowing off your About page? Or even worse, you're cracking your knuckles and getting ready to make it a novel-length story that's all about you (been there, done that). Well, I'm hoping this post will halt you right in your tracks to freshen up your perspective on this essential page that should be included in just about every website. Trust me, I know firsthand how tough it can be to tie your story into your brand and often find myself periodically tweaking my copy as my biz continues to mature. Your About page can seem tough to conquer—but it should not be treated as an afterthought. Here are a few things I've learned along the way:

1. Keep it short & sweet.

Trust me, your viewers want to know more about you but they don't need to know your entire life story. Your About page should be easy to digest and straight to the point. Start by making an outline of all the details you want to cover within your About page, then knock that down to just the bare essentials of what your audience needs to know. 

2. Keep it real.

Your About page does not need to be a resumé steaming with perfection & glory. While I encourage you to toot your own horn and play up your accomplishments, don't forget to sprinkle in a bit of realness as a reminder that you're a human and not a unicorn. 🦄 So go ahead, share your embarrassing guilty pleasures or or a story about how you turned failure into triumph. The more relatable your readers find you, the more they'll trust you as well. 

3. Keep it client-focused.

Treat your About page as if you were speaking directly to your target audience. How will you serve them? Why are you so passionate about your mission? What makes you relatable to your dream clients? This page is as much about them as it is about you.

Most importantly, don't forget to have fun with it! Think of your About page as an important conversation you need to have with your audience, rather than a chore you need to get out the way. Go ahead and pour a glass of wine and have an About page writing party if you need to, I'm not judging! 😂🍷